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FORCE Survey for People at Increased Risk for Colorectal, Pancreatic or Prostate Cancer

Surveys, Registries, Interviews
Survey for people at high risk for Colorectal, Pancreatic or Prostate Cancer

Study Contact Information:

For questions about the survey, please contact: Sue Friedman: [email protected]

FORCE Survey for People at Increased Risk for Colorectal, Pancreatic or Prostate Cancer

About the Survey

FORCE is conducting a short survey to better understand the unmet needs of people who are at high risk for colorectal, pancreatic or cancer. We will use the results from this survey to develop new resources and advocate for better medical options to improve outcomes for our community. The survey is open to any adult who has had genetic testing and has been told at any time that they are at high risk for colorectal, pancreatic or cancer. 

What the Survey Involves

This is an anonymous survey that takes about 15 minutes for people to complete. Participants will be asked to complete general questions about their experiences with genetic counseling and testing, risk management and family caregiving. Participants will also be asked about additional resource needs. 

You can take the survey here. 

This Study is Open To:

People ages 18 years or older are eligible if they:

  • are considered at high risk for colorectal, pancreatic or  cancer risk. 
  • have had genetic testing for risk. 
This Study is Not Open To:

The following people are not eligible:

  • People under age 18.
  • People who are not at increased risk for any of these cancers.
  • People who have not had genetic testing for risk.